Natasha Cowie trains with the Pro Bellas, Races NMBS #1 in Arizona

Pro Southeastern Bella Natasha Cowie is one busy chick! Natasha just returned from training with the Bella Pro team and racing in the NMBS #1 in Arizona. Along with her awesomely dusty 7th place finish on March 31 in the Stage 2 race, Natasha had a blast experiencing life as a pro Bella. Below are some words from the report she posted on the Tennessee Bella Yahoo board.
“Training camp in Tucson was awesome,” Natasha beams in her report, “with TONS of wonderful food cooked by Alex's mom Judy. It's really the desert out there, with sand and cacti (we all ran into them...every single one of us was bloody at the end of every single ride). I got my bike on the first day and it is STUNNING. A Kona Kula Lisa in Velo Bella colors!!”
“I crashed pretty hard in the TT on Friday. The soil is so loose out
there, and I was coming down a washboarded hill and slid a little off
my line. I thought I'd just brush past a shrubby tree, but it was
more solid than I thought and I smacked into it and went flying
across the trail. Of COURSE my first thought was for the bike (skin
heals! bikes do not!)...but it's fine, not a scratch. I was able to
finish and it gave me a good story. My teammates and Alex took care of me and stood by taking lots of pictures while I was in the first aid tent (quote from the EMT: "WOW!! Your knee looks JUST LIKE hamburger meat!!"). Anyway, it wasn't a problem. I skipped the short track (really a fat tire crit) on Saturday night because I
didn't want to risk bashing it again, and it was fine in the race
“I was thinking about the TN Bellas all week. It made me feel so good to know that I had a whole support crew back home sending me happy thoughts.”
“I had a GREAT time. I know it sounds corny, but this is a dream come true for me. The team is awesome. It felt like everyone instantly bonded.”
“I LOVE Velo Bella!! I am SO PROUD to be representing all of you on the pro team!”
And I’m sure the pro team is proud to have you, Natasha. You go girl!
Loved meeting Natasha at Sea otter!!! Can't wait to follow her progress this season.
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