Tennessee Bellas place 4th overall at Gulf Coast Triathlon
Race report by Missy Hulbert
Here’s how it all went down, from my perspective... I’m sure we decided over cocktails some evening that putting together a relay team for a Half-Ironman Triathlon would be a fabulous idea. After we drew straws to see who would do what, it ended like this – Abby Olson, Swimmer Extraordinaire, Dee Davis, Cycling Queen and Missy Hulbert, Runner (sort of).
L to R: Missy, Dee, Abby

The day started with a 4:30am wake up call from the ‘Sarg’ – our swim coach, Ashley. There would be no over sleeping today. As we made our way down to the beach, we made a ‘name’ for ourselves. We were a trio of pink with tons of flare. If people didn’t know our names, they soon would. Abby was first to launch as our swimmer. After a few kidney punches and dunkings in her first competitive open water swim, she made her way to the relay transition tent in third place (of the female relays). It was then she realized that the burning sensation on her face was jelly fish stings…nothing a little vinegar won’t fix.
After a dramatic transition and pass of the chip from Abby to Dee, Dee was off like lightening in the bike leg of the race. She looked especially fancy in her new time trial helmet…not to mention, fast. As Dee came screaming into the transition area, and I do mean screaming, “MISSY, MISSY, I’M COMING…” I was getting psyched for my leg of the relay. As Dee stripped off her helmet and shoes, she ran to meet me at the relay tent. I have NEVER seen her move so fast in my life and I mean that! She was #1 in the transition and third in the bike for female relays.
Dee dropped to the ground; I grabbed the chip and took off in my pink glory. By the time I started the run, I think it was ~90 degrees, no shade, and asphalt. I’ve never been so obsessed with putting ice in my bra in my whole life. When I hit mile 11, I was in a delirious state. The ONLY thing that kept me running and not walking was the fact that I was part of a team. The team was counting on me and I couldn’t let them down, they did their part and it was time to do my part and finish it off. Abby and Dee caught me towards the end in my blurry eyed daze. We crossed the finish line together as a team, Velo Bella TN – Abby, Dee and Missy (4th on the run).
Overall, we ended up in 4th place with a 5:29 total finish time. I promise, no one had as much fun as we did, pink tiaras and boas, no extra charge. Thanks to Abby and Dee for a killer time!
Looks like you had an entertaining time!
All the best to you ...
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